Club Awards
BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW - Collie Club of Victoria Inc. - Trophy Donated by Robgai Kennels 2006 ( R & G Doe)
1933: Judge – Mr J Wilkin (SA)
Best Exhibit: Bill Charming of Seafirth (Mr C I Stanfield) (rough dog)
Best Opposite: Jenny (A. Johnston)(rough bitch)
1934: Judge – Mr J Davidson
Best Exhibit: Mrs. E. Rickard'e Ch. Rex Boy
1935: Judge – Captain Renwick (replacement judge as Judge Elect, Mr Ashe died before the show)
Best Exhibit: Hebron Belle (Hebron Kennels)(sable rough Bitch)
Best Opposite: Donald of Maynooth (Mr C Robertson)(rough dog)
1936: Judge – Mr W Davies
Best Exhibit: Ch Ashleigh Captain (Mrs Ashe) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Brenda (C J Stanfield)
1937: Judge- Mr J E Cruwys (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Peg of Maynooth (Mr W Longhurst )(sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Andre of Berrivale (W.Warren)
1938: Judge –Mr W W Sharp
Best Exhibit: Beauty Lass (Mr McDonald)(tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Bairdsville Fellow(A R Tyrer)(sable rough dog)
1939: Judge – Mr W J Maloney
Best Exhibit: Peg of Glenbury (Mr M Burke) (tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Golden Chief (Mrs F E Holmes)
1940: Judge- Mr W H Davies (Collie Specialist)
Best Exhibit: Grand Duke of Glenbury (S. Jarvis)(tri rough dog)
Best Opposite: Margo of Abbeybrook (W. O. Murphy)(sable rough bitch)
1941: Judge- Mr GAinslie (late of SA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Prince Laird of Llewellyn (Miss D Gow) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Lady Gay of Glendara (V Gresham)(sable rough bitch)
1943: Judge – Mr D Newman
Best Exhibit: Ch Lady Gay of Glendara (Mr V Gresham) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Laund Lerle (imp UK) (Mr & Mrs Holmes) (blue rough dog)
1945: Judge – Miss Osborne (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Duchess of Dormie ( Mrs M O’Neil) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Aberdare Beauty Lad (Mr & Mrs Holmes) (tri rough dog)
1946: Judge – Mr M J Busst
Best Exhibit: Ch Duke of Dormie (Mrs M O’Neil) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Lady Jess of Eaglemont (Mr E Mosehy)
1947: Judge – Mr V Gresham
Best Exhibit: Ch Lairdsburn Seeonee Pride (Mr & Mrs Moriere) (tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch McRob of Dormie ( Mrs O’Sullivan) (sable rough dog)
1948: Judge – Mr F Grant
Best Exhibit: Ch Royl Gem of Bongoola (Mrs Condon) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Lairdsburn Seeonee Pride (Mr & Mrs Moriere) (tri rough bitch)
1949: Judge – Mr W J Martin
Best Exhibit: Prince Donal of Dormie (Misses C & P Griffin) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Wallumatta Lady Jacqueline (Mrs S Stewart)(sable rough bitch)
1950: Judge –Mr A Hale (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Prince Donal of Dormie (Misses C & P Griffin) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Lairdsburn Seeonee Pride (Mr & Mrs Moriere) (tri rough bitch)
1951: Judge – Mr W Moloney
Best Exhibit: Ch Wallamatta Duchess Dorolyn (Mrs S Stewart) (tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Bairdsville Dusky Jock (Mrs K Phillips) (tri rough dog)
1952: Judge – Mrs M O’Neil (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Bairdsville Black Don (Mr S Barclay) (tri rough dog)
Best opposite: Ch Kimberley Lady Bronwynne ( Misses I & P Hanneysee)(sable roughbitch)
1953: Judge – Mr Philips (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Lairdsburn Lady (Mr & Mrs Sayer)
Best Opposite: Rossayne Edenpark (Mr W Ross)(rough dog)
1954: Judge – Mr D Watts
Best Exhibit: Ch Kimberley Tranquil Boy(Mrs P Rouse) (sable rough boy)
Best Opposite: Ch Lairdsburn Lady (Mr & Mrs Sayer)(sable rough bitch)
1955: Judge –Mrs V Weaver (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Kimberley Sir Michael (Mrs S Stewart)(sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Aberdare Belle Star (Mr F Holmes)
1956: Judge – Mr P Woods (SA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Dormie Daring (Mrs R L Hinchcliffe) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Tasburn Treasure (Miss E Norton) (tri rough bitch)
1957: Judge – Mr Wheatland (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Dormie Deidre (Mrs M O’Neil) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Loch Neagh Dunvegen (Miss V McLeod) (sable rough dog)
1958: Judge – Mr D Watts (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Aberdare Sir Dandy (Mr F Holmes)(sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Dormie Deidre (Mrs M O’Neil) (sable rough bitch)
1959: Judge – Mr F Connelly (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glyntwood Sky Master (Mr G Hodgins) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Dormie Deidre (sable rough bitch)
1960: Judge – Mrs G Osborne (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Dormie Delina (Mrs M O’Neil)(rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Rouseglen Garryowen (Mrs P Rouse)(tri rough dog)
1961: Judge – Mr K Evans (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glendallo Gailee(N) (Salesville Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Rouseglen Logans Son (Miss E Whittaker)(sable rough dog)
1962: Judge – M C P Wood (SA)
Best Exhibit: Glyntwood Santa Anita (Miss K Phillips)(sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Tasburn Tulloch (Mr J Schuyler)(rough dog)
1963: Judge – Mr Mycroft (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glendallo Grand Duke(N) (Mr R Campbell) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Elrae Olivia (Mrs D Marychurch)
1964: Judge – Mr A Sorenson (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glendallo Grenadier (Mr K Evans) (tri rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Rouseglen Just Mandy (Mr & Mrs Carrolls)
1965: Judge – Mr N Lyng (SA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Rouseglen Garryowen (Mrs P Rouse) (tri rough dog)
Best Opposite: Burnrye Just Amanda (Mr & Mrs Carroll)
1966: Judge – Mr G S Sharman (SA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glendall Grenadier (Mr K Evans) (tri rough dog)
Best Opposite Ch Dormie Daybreak (Dormie Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1967: Judge – Mr R Bell (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Jefsfire Replacement(imp UK) (Mr H Rizzetti)(sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Kimglen Della Delight (Mr & Mrs Biggs)
1968: Judge – Mr O Wright (NZ)
Best Exhibit: Ch Jefsfire Replacement(imp UK) (Mr H Rizzetti) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Montmorag Madam Fiesta (N) (R & M McMahon) (sable rough bitch)
1969: Judge – Mrs Millington (WA)
Best exhibit: Ch McFarlane Blue Rullah (S) (Blackwoods Kennels) (blue rough dog)
Best Opposite: Blackwoods Biding Time (S) (Miss J Maroney)(sable rough bitch)
1970: Mrs E Everingham (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ryebel Miss Rebel (Mr & Mrs Male)
Best Opposite: Ashley Aristrocrat (Mrs H Wharton)
1971: Judge – Mr F Luland (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Heathscot Royal Escort (S) (Mr C Burton)(sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Dormie Gay Duchess (Brackenlea Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1972: Judge –Mr D McIvor (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Glamishill Gallant Lad (Glamishill Kennels)(sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Graeith Jane Ayre (Miss P Rose)(rough bitch)
1973: Judge – Mr R Mushet (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Meadowglen Affection (Graeith Kennels)(tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Graeith Crusader (Graeith Kennels)(sable rough dog)
1974: Judge – Mr A Sorenson(NSW)
Best Exhibit: Lynaster Kincade (Mr & Mrs Caroll)(rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Craeburn Columbine (Craeburn Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1975: Judge – Mr E Croad (NZ)
Best Exhibit: Ch Meadowglen Affection (Graeith Kennels)(tri rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Balbethan Imperial Boy (Mr N Bishop)(sable rough dog)
1976: Judge – Mr T Howe (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Blue Bear of Marcobank (imp NZ) (Mr & Mrs I Rand) (tri rough dog)
Best Opposite: Dalwood Blue Sapphire (Hillacre Kennels) (blue rough bitch)
1977: Judge- Mr D Gordon (NZ)
Best Exhibit: Brackenlea Bea Dazzler (Mr A Gutleber) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Brackenlea Battle Gold (Mrs M Kenley)(sable rough bitch)
1978: Judge- Mrs. A Speding (UK)
Best Exhibit:Ch Shaun of Sandiacre (imp UK) (Brackenlea Kennels) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Brackenlea Bea Faith (Mrs A Anderson) (sable rough bitch)
1979: Judge – Mr A Lane (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Abonnie True Blue (W) (Hillacre Kennels) (blue rough dog)
Best Opposite: Hollybrit Moonlight (Mrs R Hall) (blue rough bitch)
1980: Judge - Mrs J Daniel- Simmons (USA)
Best Exhibit: Derloch Double Delight (Derloch Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Lyngrove Star Dazzler (Mrs A Anderson) (sable rough dog)
1981: Judge – Mrs J Weston (ACT)
Best Exhibit: Ch Braeden Show Dancer (Braeden Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Annabill Blue Star (Mrs A Fennell) (blue rough dog)
1982: Judge – Mrs K Jeffries (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Braeden Show Dancer (Braeden Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Eng. & Aust. Ch. Little Caesar At Corydon (imp UK) (Westland Kennels)(sable rough dog)
1983: Judge – Miss P Hanneysee (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Brentland By Chance (Lyanoll Kennels) (sable rough dog)
Best Opposite: Ch Braeden Show Dancer (Braeden Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
1984: Judge – Mr K Rowles (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Braeden Show Dancer (Braeden Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Robgai Aberdeen Blu (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (blue rough dog)
1985: Judge – Mr P Svarstaad (Sweden)
Best Exhibit: Ch Braeden Show Dancer (Braeden Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Jasandway Galaxy Star (Mrs A Fennell)(blue rough dog)
1986: Judge – Mrs M Braun (USA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Trevenda Star Dazzler (Trevenda Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Best Opposite: Ch Brentland Black Onyx (Brentland Kennels) (tri rough dog)
1987: Judge – Mrs V Williams (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Robgai Rain Chief (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (sable rough dog)
Runner Up: Braeden Silva Knight (Braeden Kennels) (blue rough dog)
1988: Judge – Mr W Weston (ACT)
Best Exhibit: Ch Robgai Rain Chief (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (sable rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Braeden Shot Silk (Braeden Kennels) (tri rough bitch)
1989: Judge – Mrs M Hodesson (USA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Robgai Rain Chief (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (sable rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Newarp Silver Starlet (imp UK) (Mrs S & Miss J Stoney)(blue smooth bitch)
1990: Judge – Mr K Marsters (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Braeden Stylish Dancer (Mrs R Demanuele) (sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Braeden Shot Silk(Braeden Kennels)(tri rough bitch)
1991: Judge – Mrs Z Mitchell (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Robgai Night Capers CD(Mrs K Manser) (Tri rough dog)
Runner Up: Lochyle Putin On the Ritz (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1992: Judge - Mrs S Wiggleswort (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Lochmore Guest of Honour(imp NZ) (Mr K Evans) (sable rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Lochyle Songndance Man (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough dog)
1993: Judge – Mrs R Durham (USA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Lochyle Putin Onthe Ritz (Lochyle Kennels)(Sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Talcott Sherbet (IID) (Miss J Cook)(blue smooth dog)
1994: Judge – Mrs G Wilcock (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Cathkin Word of Honour (Mrs G Jones)(tri rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Vimtar Star Struck (Mrs R Demanuele)(sable rough bitch)
1995: Judge – Mrs D Grace (NZ)
Best Exhibit: Ch Carluke Fancy Pants (Carluke Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Lochyle Putin Onthe Ritz (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1996: Judge – Mr R Anderton (UK)
Best Exhibit: Caldbeck Out of the Blu (Phillips & Carver) (blue rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Lochyle Putin Onthe Ritz (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1997: Judge – Miss G Acreman (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Cathkin Disgustnly Gorjus (Mrs N Dewley) (blue rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Cathkin Wintertainment (W L& R Scott)(blue rough dog)
1998: Judge – Mrs B Young (USA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Caldbeck Aint She Blue (Mrs J Carver)(blue rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Cathkin Ace of Spades (Mrs G Jones)(tri rough dog)
1999: Judge – Mr R Lane (ACT)
Best Exhibit: Ch Robgain Sassy Look O Love (Mrs & Mrs R Doe)(sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Calstead Carmaranda (Calstead Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
2000: Judge – Mr L Peelen (Ned)
Best Exhibit: Ch Shannath Knight Rider (Mrs L Gusman) (sable rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Joshwyn Blue Genes (Mrs S Ely)(blue rough bitch)
2001: Judge – Mrs G Jones(NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Lochyle Doris Day (Lochyle Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Talcott Tinkerbell (Mrs J Doyle) (blue smooth bitch)
2002: Judge – Mrs C Hoier (Denmark)
Best Exhibit: Calstead Our Holly (Calstead kennels) (sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Talcott Sherbet(IID) (Miss J Cook) (blue smooth dog)
2003: Judge – Mr K Evans (Vic)
Best Exhibit: Ch Maurville Spring Fair (Mr & Mrs W Rollason) (sable rough bitch)
Runner Up: Gr Ch Robgain Prime Time (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (sable rough dog)
2004: Judge – Mr C Woodrow (QLD)
Best Exhibit: Cathkin Rainynitin Jorja (Mrs G Jones) (tri rough bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Lochyle Doris Day (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
2005: Judge – Mr G Duffield (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Cathkin Thblubyu Gesswho (Mrs G Jones) (blue rough dog)
Runner Up: Ch Cathkin Clingn Toa Cloud (Jones & Power) (blue rough bitch)
2006: Judge - Mr. K Simmons (NZ)
Best Exhibit: Gr Ch Talcott Dawn Mist (Ms S Congdon) (Smooth Collie Blue merle bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Mauville Regal Dancer (Mr & Mrs A Wallace)(Sable Rough Dog)
2007: Judge - Mrs M Shiboleth (Israel)
Best Exhibit: Gr Ch Baqilodge Paid The Piper (M & J Kaden) (Rough Collie Sable dog)
Runner Up: Ch Vedamea Knight O Fantasy (B & L Ryan) (Tri Rough)
2008: Judge - Mrs K Harris (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Gr Ch Baqilodge Paid The Piper (M & J Kaden) (Rough Collie Sable dog)
Runner Up: Ch Robgai Sierra Sunrise (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2009: Judge - Ms L Robbins (USA)
Best Exhibit: Ch Robgai Nightyme Inparis (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Fantasy's North Star (Imp USA)(Morris/Leah Ryan)(Sable Rough Dog)
2010: Judge - Mrs S Bateup
Best Exhibit: Ch Baqilodge Quite So (Ms M Bester) (Rough Collie Tricolour bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Baqilodge Picaresque (Ms M Bester) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2011: Judge - Mrs L Tanks (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Foxbell Finnished Neatly (Ms J Cook) (Smooth Collie Sable bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Robgai Whispering Jack (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (Blue Merle Rough Dog)
2012: Judge - Mrs J Mijatovic (Croatia)
Best Exhibit: Ch Carluke Flirtwth Noskirt (Carluke Kennels) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Swinbrad Jamaica Fantasy (V & D Morris) (Blue Merle Rough)
2013: Judge - Mr T Rohlin (DMK)
Best Exhibit: Sup Ch Cathkin Seriously Sexy (G Jones & S Power’s) (Rough Blue Merle)
Runner up: Gr Ch Carluke Flirtwth Noskirt (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Tricolour Smooth bitch)
2014: Judge - Mr J Andersson (Swed)
Best Exhibit: Ch Cathkin Cameron (Carol Cross) (Tri Rough Dog)
Runner Up: Gr Ch Carluke Flirtwth Noskirt (Carluke Kennels) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
2014: Judge - Mrs Louise Thomas Van der Weide (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Milas Bosa Nova (Imp USA) (Mr & Mrs R & Miss M Doe) (Sable Rough Dog)
Runner Up: Ch Cozim Beauty Walks In (Sandra Wallace) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2015: Judge - Jenny Baker (Qld)
Best Exhibit: Sup Ch Cathkin Seriously Sexy (G Jones & S Power’s) (Rough Blue Merle)
Runner Up: Ch Carluke Contra Indicated (Mrs D, Ms T & K Adams) (Sable Smooth Dog)
2016: Judge - Ms V Morrow (NSW)
Best Exhibit: Ch Vedamea Im Nobodys Alibi (B & L Ryan & J Wilkinson’s) (Sable Rough Bitch)
Runner Up: Sup Ch Milas Bosa Nova (Imp USA) (Mr & Mrs R & Miss M Doe) (Sable Rough Dog)
2017: Judge - Ms Bev White (UK)
Best Exhibit: Gr Ch Wiru Undressed For Success (Adams) (Sable Smooth Bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Carluke Moonlite Over Paris (Carluke Kennels) (Tri Rough Bitch)
2018: Judge - Mrs Annette Anagnostic (TAS)
Best Exhibit: Ch Foxbell Fashion Xtra (J. Cook) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Coltie Regal Sensation (Mr A & Mrs J Wallace) (Sable and White Rough Dog)
2019: Judge - Mr Trevor Hayward (UK)
Best Exhibit: Ch Scottlyme Prelude to a Kiss (IMP BELG) (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Sable and White Rough Bitch)
Runner Up: Ch Jencol Written Inth Stars (Ms K Hoggard) (Sable and White Smooth Bitch)
2021: Judge Mrs Lorraine Neilson (Ravelin Collies, VIC)
Best Exhibit: Ch Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Collie Bitch)
Runner up : Kirrieloch Black Tie Optional (AI) (Miss S Buckley) (Tricolour Rough Collie Dog)
2022: Judge Mrs S Mallia (Arranbrae Collies WA)
Best Exhibit : CH Vedamea About Last Night (Ms J Wilkinson) (Sable Collie Rough bitch)
Runner up: CH Foxbell Fashion Xtra (Miss J Cook) (Blue Merle Smooth Collie)
2023: Judge Mr Jane Armatys (Qld)
Best Exhibit: Ch Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
Runner up: Ch Kirrieloch Oh Calamity (AI) (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Tricolour Rough Bitch)
2024; Judge Mrs Shelley Wildman (WA)
Best Exhibit: GR CH Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
Runner up: CH Coltie Forever Ellegant (Mr A, Mrs J, Miss K & Miss C Wallace) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2001 - Ch Lochyle Doris Day (Lochyle Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
2002 - Calstead Our Holly (Calstead kennels) (sable rough bitch)
2003 - Ch Maurville Spring Fair (Mr & Mrs W Rollason) ( sable rough bitch)
2004 - Cathkin Rainynitin Jorja (Mrs G Jones) (tri rough bitch)
2005 - Ch Cathkin Thblubyu Gesswho (Mrs G Jones) (blue rough dog)
2006 - Ch Maurville Regal Dancer (Mr & Mrs A Wallace)(Sable Rough Dog)
2007 - Gr Ch Baqilodge Paid The Piper (M & J Kaden) (Rough Collie Sable dog)
2008 - Gr Ch Baqilodge Paid The Piper (M & J Kaden) (Rough Collie Sable dog)
2009 - Fantasy's North Star (Imp USA) (Morris/Leah Ryan) (Barry and Leah Ryan)(Sable Rough Dog)
2010 - Ch Baqilodge Quite So (Ms M Bester) (Rough Collie Tricolour bitch)
2011 - Ch Robgai Whispering Jack (Mr & Mrs R Doe) (Blue Merle Rough Dog)
2012 - Ch Swinbrad Jamaica Fantasy (V & D Morris) (Blue Merle Rough)
2013 - Sup Ch Cathkin Seriously Sexy (G Jones & S Power’s) (Rough Blue Merle)
2014 - Ch Cathkin Cameron (Carol Cross) (Tri Rough Dog)
2014 - Ch Milas Bosa Nova (Mr & Mrs R & Miss M Doe) (Sable Rough Dog)
2015 - Sup Ch Cathkin Seriously Sexy (G Jones & S Power’s) (Rough Blue Merle)
2016 - Ch Vedamea Im Nobodys Alibi (B & L Ryan & J Wilkinson’s) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2017 - Ch Carluke Moonlite Over Paris (Carluke Kennels) (Tri Rough Bitch)
2018 - Ch Coltie Regal Sensation (Mr A & Mrs J Wallace) (Sable and White Rough Dog)
2019 - Ch Scottlyme Prelude to a Kiss (IMP BELG) (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Sable and White Rough Bitch)
2021 - Kirrieloch Black Tie Optional (AI) (Miss S Buckley) (Tricolour Rough Collie Dog)
2022 - CH Vedamea About Last Night (Ms J Wilkinson) (Sable Rough Collie bitch)
2023 - Ch Kirrieloch Oh Calamity (AI) (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Tricolour Rough Bitch)
2024 - CH Coltie Forever Ellegant (Mr A, Mrs J, Miss K & Miss C Wallace) (Sable Rough Bitch)
BEST OF BREED COLLIE SMOOTH - Collie Club of Victoria Inc.
2001 - Ch Talcott Tinkerbell (Mrs J Doyle) (Blue Merle Bitch)
2002 - Ch Talcott Sherbert (IID) (Ms J Cook) (Blue Merle Dog)
2003 - Ch Foxbell Fine Cotton (Ms J Cook) ( Sable bitch)
2004 - CH Talcott Speedwell (Blue Merle Dog)
2005 - Gr Ch Talcott Dawn Mist (Blue Merle Bitch)
2006 - Gr Ch Talcott Dawn Mist (Blue Merle Bitch)
2007 - Ch Raaybeam Sunshine Dancer (Jane Doyle) Sable Dog)
2008 - Ch Baqildoge Quietly Singing (Sable Bitch)
2009 - Ch Robgai Nightyme Inparis (Mr & Mrs R Doe) ( Tricolour bitch)
2010 - Ch Foxbell Fair Lady (Janice Cook) Smooth Bitch)
2011 - Ch Foxbell Finnished Neatly (Ms J Cook) (Smooth Collie Sable bitch)
2012 - Ch Carluke Flirtwth Noskirt (Carluke Kennels) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
2013 - Ch Carluke Flirtwth Noskirt (Carluke Kennels) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
2014 - Gr Ch Carluke Flirtwith Noskirt (Carluke Kennels) (Smooth Collie Tricolour bitch)
2014 - Ch Robgai Nightyme Inparis (Judge: Mrs Louise Thomas Van der Weide (NSW)) Smooth Tri Bitch)
2015 - Carluke Contra Indicated (Mrs D, Ms T & K Adams) (Sable Smooth Dog)
2016 - Drambuie Dresden Doll (Martin Pedersen) (Sable Smooth Bitch)
2017 - Gr Ch Wiru Undressed For Success (Mrs D, Ms T & K Adams) (Sable Smooth Bitch)
2018 - Foxbell Fashion Xtra (J. Cook) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
2019 - Ch Jencol Written Inth Stars (Ms K Hoggard) (Sable and White Smooth Bitch)
2021 - Ch Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle bitch)
2022 - CH Foxbell Fashion Xtra (Miss J Cook) (Blue Merle bitch)
2023 - Ch Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
2024 - GR CH Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
1933 - Jenny (A. Johnston)(rough bitch)
1934 - Mr Barclay's Nell of Strathlodden
1935 - Hebron Belle (Hebron Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
1938 - Prince Laird of Llewellyn (Miss D Gow) (sable rough dog)
1939 - Peg of Glenbury (Mr M Burke) (tri rough bitch)
1940 - Margo of Abbeybrook (W. O. Murphy) (sable rough bitch)
1945 - Lairdsburn Select (Mr & Mrs Sayer)(tri rough dog)
1946 - Lady Jess of Eaglemont (Mr E Mosehy)
1947 - Golden Beauty of Scotsville ( Mrs Wassilieff)
1950 - Roxby Robbie Burns (Mrs P Rouse)
1951 - Kimberley Grand Monarch (Mrs S Stewart) (sable rough dog)
1952 - Eaglemont Playboy (Miss E Norton) (sable rough dog)
1953 - Tasburn Lady Dianne( Mr &Mrs C James)
1954 - Braeden Dusky Jewel (Mr F Connolly) (tri rough bitch)
1955 - Lairdsburn La Rock (Mr R McNulty)
1956 - Glencree Jean (S) (Mr. Langford)(rough bitch)
1957 - Tasburn Goldie (Mrs B Kelsey)(rough dog)
1958 - Glenskerry Viscount (Mr & Mrs H Skerry)(rough dog)
1959 - Kimberley Lady Dorolyn (Mrs A Stewart)(rough bitch)
1960 - Rouseglen Garryowen (Mrs P Rouse)(tri rough dog)
1961 - Ch Glendallo Gailee(N) (Salesville Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
1962 - Glyntwood Santa Anita (Miss K Phillips)(sable rough bitch)
1963 - Glyntwood Guinevere (Mr K Evans)
1964 - Jerematta Jezebel (N) (Mr & Mrs Maxted)
1965 - Burnrye Just Amanda (Mr & Mrs Caroll)
1966 - Lochroddie Valiant Boy (Mr H Bunt)(rough dog)
1967 - Kimglen Della Delight (Mr & Mrs Biggs)
1968 - Hiltonbrae Jane Ayre (Graeith Kennels) (sable rough dog)
1969 - Blackwoods Biding Time (S) (Miss J Maroney)(sable rough bitch)
1970 - Kimberley Amber Star (Heatly Kennels)
1971 - Meadowglen Ambition (Meadowglen Kennels)(rough dog)
1972 - Glamishill Gossip (Glamishill Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
1973 - Glyntwood Cavalier (Mr C F Burton)
1974 - Lynaster Kincade (Mr & Mrs Caroll)(rough dog)
1975 - Cresdale Lady Misty (Mrs L Wright)(rough bitch)
1976 - Brackenlea Bea Fantasy (Brentland Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
1977 - Cindykye Royal Ace (Mrs G Hughes)
1978 - Night Tempest of Trellays (imp NZ) (Mrs C Darroch)
1979 - Craeburn Candy Dancer (Craeburn Kennels) (sable rough bitch)
1980 - Braeriach Drum Major (Mrs J Jones)(blue rough dog)
1981 - Hollybrit Moonlit Nite (Mrs R Hall)(rough bitch)
1982 - Maurville Mystic Queen (Mr & Mrs Rollason) (sable rough bitch)
1983 - Craeburn Cast Alight (Craeburn Kennels) (sable rough dog)
1984 - Erinvista Blue Tweed(Mr & Mrs Chave) (blue rough dog)
1985 - Kevinwood Prima donna(Mr K Evans) (sable rough bitch)
1986 - Derloch Dark Illusion (Mrs G Willenberg) (rough dog)
1987 - Coolglen Be Instyle (Mrs P Whyte) (sable rough bitch)
1988 - Izkaze Keepsake (Mrs G Willenberg)(rough bitch)
1989 - Foxbell Black Shado (Mrs R Cook) (tri smooth dog)
1990 - Brentland Beaujolais (Brentland Kennels)(sable rough dog)
1991 - Vimtar Star Struck (Mrs R Demanuele) (sable rough bitch)
1992 - Tyagong Hot Toddy (Mrs E Blachford) (sable rough dog)
1993 - Talcott Sherbet(IID) (Miss J Cook) (blue smooth dog)
1994 - Cathkin Nikita (Mrs G Jones) (sable rough bitch)
1995 - Maurville Spring Breeze (Mr & Mrs Rollason)(sable rough bitch)
1996 - Disqualified
1997 - Vimtar Flaming Star (Mrs R Demanuele) (sable rough bitch)
1998 - Talcott Amos (Mrs L Congdon)(Blue Smooth Dog)
1999 - Robgai Southern Exposure (Mr & Mrs R Doe)(sable rough dog)
2000 - Lochyle Doris Day (Lochyle Kennels)(sable rough bitch)
2001 - Craeburn Chase A Rainbow (Craeburn Kennels) (blue rough bitch)
2002 - Maurville Call Me Johnny (Mr& Mrs W Rollason) (sable rough dog)
2003 - Vedamea Just A Fantasy (Mrs M Bester) (sable rough bitch)
2004 - Korbrae Wata Star (Mrs J Paisley) (sable rough dog)
2005 - Robgai Tainted Love (Mr & Mrs R Doe)(sable rough bitch)
2006 - Calstead I Do Declare (Calstead Kennels)
2007 - Craeburn Cabaret Song (Mrs M Thomas)
2008 - Calstead Calamity Jane (Mr J Koraus)
2009 - Jencol Thrills Not Frills (Ms J Baker) (Sable Smooth)
2010 -Foxbell Fashion Plate (Ms J Cook)
2011 - Kazjs Dazzlem Razzlem (Mr M Rolfe) (Sable Rough dog)
2012 - Mirriyuula Gotta Have Faith (Mrs. M O'Hara) (Rough Blue Merle)
2013 - Izkaze Future Consequence (Mrs K Reeves) (Sable Rough Collie Dog)
2014 - Carluke Glamsweet Sugarxspice (Judge: Mr J Andersson (Swed)) (Carluke Kennels) (Sable Smooth Bitch)
2014 - Elizmar Halloweens Gypsy (Judge: Mrs Louise Thomas Van der Weide (NSW)) (Claire Cashion) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2015 - Carluke Contra Indicated (Mrs D, Ms T & K Adams) (Sable Smooth Dog)
2016 - Strathhaven Pure Elegance (Coltie Kennels) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2017 - Ch Yaxeka Road To Rio (Brentland Kennels) (Sable Rough Bitch)
2018 - Foxbell X Factor (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Blue Merle Smooth Bitch)
2019 - Foxbell You Fetchem at Orthanc (Miss Donald) (Sable and White Smooth Dog)
2021 - Coltie Ultimate Dream (Mr A & Mrs J Wallace) (Sable Collie Rough dog)
2022 - Jedford Reach For The Sky (Mrs C Moffat) (Sable Smooth Collie Bitch)
2023 - Carluke Kissed by Harriet (Mrs C & Miss K Baker) (Sable Rough Dog)
2024 - Talcott Sheikh of Arabee (Jane Doyle) (Blue Merle Smooth Dog)
THE SUPREME TROPHY - presented by the National Collie (Rough & Smooth) council Australia
BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW at National events.
1985 - CH Jasandway Popular Alm owner Mrs Carol Hill. Judge: Charlotte Hoier (Sweden)
1987 - CH Glendallo Golden Shades owner Mrs L Scott. Judge: Mr L Peelan (Nth)
1992 - CH Lochmore Guest of Honour (imp NZ) owner Mr K Evans. Judge: Mrs S Wigglesworth (UK)
1995 - CH Carluke Fancy Pants owner Carluke Knl's. Judge: Mrs H Hunt (UK)
1997 - Leanor Silver Musetta owner Mrs V Bond. Judge: Baroness D Von Hahn (Ger)
2000 - Gr Ch Brentland Blue Cascade owner Brentland Knl's. Judge: Mr H Jones (UK)
2003 - CH Cathkin Kith N Kin owner G Jones & C Dowley. Judge: Mrs V Geddes (UK)
2005 - CH Lyntree Mr Cat Power owner Mrs P Brooks. Judge: Mrs S Clark (UK)
2007 - Gr CH Baqilodge Paid The Piper owner J Kaden & M Bester. Judge: Mrs M Shiboleth (Isr)
2009 - CH Burdekin Bossy Boots owner M Grant. Judge: Ms J Kovacevic (Cro)
2012 - Gr CH Carluke Flirthwth Noskirt owner Carluke Knl's. Judge: Mrs J Mijatovic (Cro)
2017 - CH Baledda Shades Of Autum owner A & L Cocharane. Judge Mr J Walsh Snr (Ire) {elected but unable to officiate Judge: Mrs. L Oklescen (Slovenia)}
The Ivy Hanneysee Memorial Award - Retired in 2016 until further notice, but please refer below for previous years winners.
(reprinted 1982 Collie Club of Victoria Handbook)
Although crippled by polio as a young girl, Ivy gave all she could to the breed and attended as many of the meeting as possible. She and her sister Pat, wrote a regular feature in the 'Dog News' for many years, known as the 'Collie Spotlighter'. In 1955 they founded the 'Collie Chatter'.
In spite of being confined to a wheelchair, her great love of the Collie took her to many places, with the help of a very devoted mother and sister who have carried on her name to the present day. Onr of her great thrills must of been to see her bitch Ch Kimberely Lady Bronwynne win Best Opposite sex at the 1952 Collie Club of Victoria Championship show. Her kennel prefix was Myhaven which is still held by her sister.
The Ivy Hanneysee Memorial trophy is offered for the 'Most successful Exhibitor' at the Collie Club's Open parade (Open Show) and Championship shows. Points are given to the first three placegetters in each class with bonus points to Best Exhibit and Rup at both fixtures. The exhibitor must compete at both events to be eligible.
Winners of the award since 1984
1984 Miss O O'Brien 2000 Mrs L Gusman
1985 Braeden Kennels 2001 Lochyle Kennels
1986 Trevenda Kennels 2002 Mrs M Denton
1987 Mr & Mrs Doe 2003 Brentland Kennels
1988 Mr & Mrs Doe 2004 Mr T & Ms R McLeod
1989 Mrs P Whyte 2005 Mrs G Jones & Ms S Power
1990 Mrs P Whyte 2006 Ms J Cook
1991 ? 2007 Mrs S Kennedy & Mr & Mrs Doe
1992 Fairsky Kennels 2008 Ms J Cook
1993 Ms J Cook 2009 Mrs S Kennedy
1994 ? 2010 Kylain Kennels
1995 ? 2011 Ms J Cook
1996 Prinway Kennels 2012 Carluke Kennels
1997 Ms J Cook 2013
1998 Rodchere Kennels 2014 Brentland Kennels
1999 Calstead Kennels 2015 Karen Hoggard
2016 Karen Hoggard